Reclaim your true essence with Craniosacral Therapy and Holistic Nutrition

“The healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer is someone who triggers within you, your own ability to heal yourself.”


Together, we will
get to the root.

Throughout our lives we endure many stresses and strains on our bodies; whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. 

These stresses become absorbed in our tissue creating restrictions within the body.  Our body can only handle so much stress. Over time these restrictions can build up, creating dis-ease and dysfunction. This chronic tension and stress can compromise the function of the central nervous system and the performance of nearly every other system within the body. Fortunately, such restrictions can be detected so that stuck, stagnant energy can be released.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Holistic Nutritionist, my philosophy is that health and wellness is best addressed if we get to the root of the dysfunction. Often this is trapped emotions and traumas which build up in the body and lead to chronic pain, emotional dysregulation, disease, addictions, burnout… just to name a few. Addressing the root with Craniosacral Therapy, while also combining simple lifestyle and nutrition adjustments creates a catalyst for transformation.

Our bodies are always striving to maintain homeostasis and balance. I’m here to support you on your healing journey back to wholeness.

What Will a Craniosacral Session Look Like?

A typical Craniosacral Therapy session will last about 60-90 minutes and takes place in a quiet room where you remain fully clothed and relaxed laying face up on a comfortable massage table.

Starting with gentle light touch, I evaluate your cranial rhythm by using my hands to “listen” and monitor the rhythm of your cerebral spinal fluid that is flowing around your central nervous system. I am locating areas of weak flow or tissue tension and or restriction caused by physical or emotional trauma.  I then trace those areas of weakness throughout the body back to the original source of dysfunction.  Using delicate manual techniques and/or verbal dialoguing with the body (SomatoEmotional Release), I will be the facilitator in supporting your body to release the restrictions, tensions and/or traumas.

Depending on what we are working on, you may benefit from multiple consecutive treatments, or only a few maintenance sessions throughout the year. We will work together to determine what is best for you.

It is recommended to rest and relax after a session if you can so that the body has time for integration.   

Ways to Work With Me

Craniosacral Therapy

Holistic Nutrition